Monday, March 06, 2006

What a big girl!

I remember the first day I took Abbie to Little Wings. It was as bad as my first day back at work. She cried, I cried and she cried some more. It's been about 4 months and I can say we both love it. This morning was a perfect example. I took her in and the class was in the play room so we put away her coat and she ran for the play room. We walked in and she called for her teacher Amber and took off. She ran up the stairs for the slide and when I went over to give her a kiss she blew one over her shoulder and that was it. I know that's how it should be but that was almost as sad for me as that first day, but so much better for her.

When Rick picked her up she was in the "big kids" room, the 3's&4's and the teacher said look at her, she's the youngest one in here and the only one behaving. She's our big girl now.

Abbie's loving Little Wings and growing so much there. She's playing with other kids, who all know her name, loving her teachers and doing so many new things.

K' I'm cheesy, I know and I'm adding more often than I thought, but Abbie does something new every single day.

By the way she LOVES meat loaf :)

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