Friday, August 07, 2009

school & stuff

well she's registered and stocked. All we have to do is find the outfit. We looked at Gymboree, Gap and Childrens place and nothing really struck her fancy except for a pair of sparkly pink sneakers. I told her we couldn't buy any more shoes until we double checked to see what shoes at home wouldn't fit. We have 10 pairs of shoes in the yard sale box. TEN PAIRS OF SHOES. She has a bigger shoe problem than her mamma.

So anyway we are on the hunt for an outfit. Has to be longer than her finger tips for daddy, pink for Abbie and reasonably priced for mamma. We'll see. We have a couple weeks to go. Dad is leaving Monday for 2 weeks, TWO WEEK and then will be home for about 6 days and is gone again for some more days. Hopefully Abbie will be starting school and I will be starting a job in that time so keep your fingers crossed for the crazy in this house :)

sorry for the short post.

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