Thursday, July 02, 2009

last day

Today is Abbie's last day at daycare. She's only been going two days a week since I got laid off, but today will be the last of even that. There are a whole list of reasons but for today it doesn't matter. I can't decide what the knot in the pit of my stomach is about. I don't know if it's because she's a "big girl" and so much closer to kindergarten than I'm ready for, if it's because I figure I'll be scrambling soon to find daycare because not having a spot will be the quickest way to get a decent job offer, or if it makes me that much more worried about the job situation or if there's just a not because I'm anxious and nervous about every choice I'm making lately. What ever it is there's a knot. She was excited. I don't think she's been loving the place lately, there have been a LOT of changes lately and a couple of her friends have left recently so that hasn't helped.

Anyway, it's the last day....

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