Monday, November 19, 2007

because she said so :)

So I don't usually post this stuff or forward emails, but because Raquita said I probably would I shall...however I can't tag 7 bloggers because so far as I know I only actually know 2 authors of the blogs I read. So here goes.

7 random things about me.

1- I have attended more colleges than I care to admit
2- I have about 100 1/2 finished projects
3- I can cry at the drop of a hat but it's not usually intentional.
4- I love to give things I've made, now if I could just make more useful things :)
5- I knew Abbie would be a girl named Abbie from the second I realized I was pregnant
6- It's my birthday
7- I can type faster than I can talk.

So now if you blog and you read my blog post 7 random things about you and let me know.

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