Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This was the charming response from my almost 2 year old as we sat watching the fireworks. We had a TERRIBLE electrical storm the night before and with every boom of thunder there was a wail from Abbie's room. She ended up sleeping with us most of the night. I am not exaggerating when I say terrible, our old sitters house was hit by lightning, seriously! There was even one crack that was loud enough to scare Rick!

We did relatively nothing for the 4th. Just hung out around the house. Until I got the bright idea to get Abbie some finger paints. I'd won a patio set at work a couple weeks ago and the HUGE box was still sitting on our porch. So I got some paints and Abbie went to town. I'll upload pictures tomorrow.

At first I was trying to be neat and putting the paints on a piece of cardboard like a pallet, but by the end of the painting session we were just squirting them on the board and Abbie was even dipping her fingers in them. At first I didn't want to "waste" the paint, but what a better way to waste 5 bucks! We really had fun and I highly suggest getting covered with paint even if you don't have a toddler. I was amazed how cool it was to squish paint in my fingers!

They are going to start letting Abbie visit the 2 & 3's room next week. It's just so hard for me to imagine that she's so big. Sitting at fireworks I vividly remember the 4th of July the year she was born. I was so over being pregnant and I was convinced I was going to be the first person to carry a baby for 20 years ;) It was disgustingly hot, it was 90 in the dark I think, at least it felt like it. When the fireworks started Rick and I walked over on the golf course, well he walked and I waddled and watched as we were chewed alive by mosquito's. I had no idea standing there that night that every 4th of July for the rest of forever would be so completely and totally different. Last year we took her to watch them, but she didn't even notice and this year she noticed, but wasn't sure what they were. She would say oh my each time there were colors in the sky, but when we'd hear the sound she'd say oh no. Delight and concern all at the same time. And she made friends with the people next to us. They had a Scion almost like her Grandpas and she was convinced they were hiding him in their car so she kept going over and looking. They were sitting by the tail of it with the trunk open and she just knew if she could get close enough she'd find him hiding just waiting to jump out.

Anyway in 15 days she'll be 2 and her dad will be 34, we've all come a long way and I can't wait to see where we are going.

ps, I did record her talking about the fireworks on my cell phone. I can not figure out how to send it to people so if you see me, I'll play it for ya.

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