Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pee Pee!!

So I brought a little potty home for Abbie today. A Royal Potty, seriously that's what it's called, see.....
It even came with a book called a Throne of Their Own! It makes music when you sit on it and when you go. OR, if you smack it and then stick your hand in it as Abbie has figured out. She's so smart ;) Anyway, when she got home tonight she really didn't want anything to do with it, but then she wanted her diaper off so she was bare running around. Every once in a while she'd sit on it. Occasionally she'd yell "POTTY" and run over to it, but nothing. It's in the living room, ok that may be gross, but she's not a fan of the exhaust fan in our downstairs bathroom and I didn't want it in the kitchen or dining room so living room it is. Anyway after about an hour or so I heard it playing and just assumed she was sticking her hand in it until I looked AND SHE WAS SITTING ON IT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!! I know we've still got a long way to go, but that's the first pee pee on the potty!

Oh and bedtime tonight went a little better. Rick put her down and told her I'd be in shortly. She of course cried, so I went to the door and told her it was time to lay down and sleep, and.................she did! She wanted her paci, but I told her she'd thrown it on the floor we'd get it in the morning! And she's not taking it in the car on the way to school with her anymore. Maybe she'll quit using it on her own. I can only hope



Raquita said...

maybe I should try the musical potty.. Cammy is so not feeling it.

Anonymous said...

k, she's only looking at it now, not really using it anymore. It must have been a novelty :) She's not quite 2 yet so we aren't really going there.