Friday, October 03, 2008


It's breast cancer awareness month. Everything has a month and a ribbon. I was being a good kid and adding a ribbon to my siggy at work so I put this in my siggy.
It's pretty right, perfectly acceptable. Then I heard about a number I heard on the debate last night. **WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE DEBATE, JUST THIS NUMBER** Ten Billion a month in Iraq TEN BILLION A MONTH IN IRAQ. I can't even think what 10 billion of anything looks like I thought to myself. I don't really know why that number popped in my head, but perhaps it was because I was thinking about the sea of people at the starting line of the Komen walk I was at earlier this year. It wasn't close to 10 billion, not anywhere close not even a fraction, but there were people as far as I could see in both directions, there were so many people we decide it would be better to watch than to walk with Sarah and Abbie in that crowd. Probably thousands, if THOUSANDS of people look like that how many is TEN BILLION. They can spend 10 billion. Rick said it's not even real money, even better, if they can spend 10 billion of not real money a month, A MONTH, couldn't they take just one month and put it to something good? JUST ONE MONTH OF THAT MONEY and maybe we wouldn't be adding stupid little sweet pretty pink ribbons to our siggys. and that made me want to add this ribbon.
Can you read that, Breast Cancer! Say It! Fight It! Cure It! Damn It! I didn't add it, I need my job and it's not "professional"
but if they could take one month of that 10 billion damn it, what could we use pretty pink ribbons for then?

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