Monday, August 11, 2008


Not a post about Abbie, sorry.

I got a ped egg yesterday and I LOVE IT. My feet were so nasty I wouldn't even get a pedicure anywhere ever, but now I don't even need one! It was 10 bucks and I figured I'd be wasting my money, but figured what the hay. I LOVE IT. I thought it would hurt, even a pumice stone or foot file make my feet a little sore, but this was just like rubbing it with my hand. My feet are as smooth as Abbie was the day she was born, ok not quite, but way worth the 10 bucks.

I almost never wear shoes, my are dry, thick and cracked YICKY and now I'd send you a picture of them and not blush.

Anyway just wanted to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have one too and I have to agree...SOOOO worth the money. They are awesome.