Wednesday, July 09, 2008

four years ago

4 years ago today I was probably sitting on my couch feeling sorry for myself. It was one day past my due date and my second week off work. I started my leave the first of July because all along they’d been saying the baby was big, I’d go any day but for sure before my due date of the 8th. I WAS MISERABLE. Abbie moved as much before she came out as she did after, and her favorite position was stretched out so something was under my right rib and something else was poking my left hip.

Every morning I’d come downstairs jumping step by step hoping that gravity would help. I walked and walked and walked, and when I wasn’t doing that I slept. I still have the only thing that I wore that was actually comfortable, it was red and UGLY, but it was relatively cool and comfortable. That dress was the LAST thing I wore before she came and the LAST thing I would ever want to wear again J

Little did I know how much longer I had to go. Looking back I can see it was only 11 days, but those 11 days seemed to drag out FOR MONTHS.

In the end she was more than worth it and I miss feeling whatever that was under my ribs. Now though I can feel all of her poking me early in the morning as she climbs into our bed and for that I’m thankful.

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