So I haven't been here in ages. We survived Thanksgiving and even Christmas. We even managed to survive a week without Abbie while she was in St. Louis. Ok so it was like 4 days but still. I really missed her. I decided to try to potty train her today. Just underware unless she was asleep and it went ok. Accidents all morning but after nap we only had 2 and even a great big poop in the potty. If I was more disgusting, or more on top of things (I'm not sure what) I'd have taken a picture for posterity :) Ok not really that's gross.
Rick is in St. Louis for today and tomorrow. I'm hoping he'll be home by bed time, because Abbie was looking for him this afternoon and when I said he was in St. Louis she sat really quiet for a while and then asked if we could go for a ride. I asked where she wanted to go she said St. Louis. Course not grandma's house, not quite yet. SHe was there a week or so ago and she's had her fill. They brought home for new years and when they came back new years day she thought they were taking her with them and she gave them the dirtiest looks. She's a smart cookie!
I'm tired, short post, if you don't like it leave a comment so I know someone, anyone is reading :)